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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Collection: Read Aloud Digital Core Collection

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Digital Books del Sur Read Aloud and Mentor Text Sets are defined by grade level. The collection of high-quality picture and chapter books were selected to meet the common content demands of the grade levels and provide a variety of genres. The books are curated for teachers to read the stories aloud to the class and to share with students with a specific instructional goal in mind. Students are able to access the books and annotate them for their own learning. Students are not rostered on the system so that teachers do not need to manage one more system. Rather the assignments can be integrated into a system they already use like Seesaw, Google Classroom, etc.

Books del Sur Read Aloud Digital Core Collections include:

  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade Collections are 35 digital format picture books
  • 2nd Grade through Middle School are 30 digital format picture and chapter books
  • 20 different picture and chapter books, High School
  • Students can have access to the books with a teacher access code
  • Various fiction and non-fiction genres
  • Books in Spanish written and illustrated by Latin American authors
  • Teacher Guides and resources available
  • Transferrable Single User License for 3 years, 2 years, and one year
Check out our video tutorials to learn more about the platform. Contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to see a Demo.
Read Aloud Digital Core Collection


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