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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Pedacitos de Huerto

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A Tonia le encanta escuchar las historias de su abuela sobre cuando era una niña. Su abuela recuerda cuando plantaba un huerto "en mi propio pedazo de tierra cuadrado", Tonia también desea tener su propio huerto. El edificio de apartamentos está rodeado de cemento, pero la abuela le recuerda que solo se necesita un pequeño pedazo de tierra para cultivar tomates o calabazas e incluso zanahorias. Y pronto, ¡tienen un plan!


Tonia loves hearing her grandmother's stories about when she was a child. Her grandmother remembers planting a garden "on my own square piece of land," Tonia also wishes she had her own garden. The apartment building is surrounded by concrete, but Grandma reminds her that only a small piece of land is needed to grow tomatoes or pumpkins and even carrots. And soon, they have a plan!

Reading Grade Level: 2nd

Type of Spanish Book: Bilingual

Genre: Fiction

Size: 8

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2013

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