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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

La hija del mundo

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Pahoétama es nieta del pescador de la aldea. Para heredarle su sabiduría sobre el mar, su abuelo consigue un permiso especial, pues la pesca es un oficio prohibido para las mujeres. Ahora ella es la “niña-niño”, la única capaz de lanzarse a las aguas en busca de peces y perlas brillantes. Sin embargo, cuando Pahoétama descubre que el tiburón Oana, dios de los mares, tiene cuentas pendientes con su familia, debe tomar una decisión muy peligrosa: viajar al Vientre del Mundo, un lugar mítico que le revelará algunos secretos de su pasado.



Pahoétama is the granddaughter of the village fisherman. To inherit her wisdom about the sea, her grandfather gets a special permit, since fishing is a prohibited trade for women. Now she is the "girl-boy", the only one capable of jumping into the waters in search of fish and shiny pearls. However, when Pahoétama discovers that the shark Oana, god of the seas, has pending accounts with his family, he must make a very dangerous decision: travel to the Womb of the World, a mythical place that will reveal some secrets from his past.


Gilles Barraqué

Reading Grade Level: 6TH - 8TH, 9TH - 12TH

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Chapter

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 312

Size: 10

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2013

Teaching and Learning Resources