Grandes inventores
The great inventors and their ideas, from the most extravagant to those that forever transformed the world and our way of life: this book talks about human ingenuity, from A to Z!
Spanish Description: Los grandes inventores y sus ideas, de las más extravagantes a las que transformaron para siempre el mundo y nuestra manera de vivir: este libro habla del ingenio humano, ¡de la A a la Z!
Publishing Details
Author : Valter Fogato
Illustrator : Annalisa Beghelli
Author Nationality : Italy
Type of Spanish : Translated
Physical Details
Type of Book: Picture
Cover: Hardcover
Pages: 63
Size: 9.25 x 0.5 x 13.25 in
Year Published: 2019
Instructional Details
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction
Theme: Science