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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.


Original price $13.59 - Original price $13.59
Original price
$13.59 - $13.59
Current price $13.59

A sus once años, a Víctor Paredes le encanta leer historias de amor; quizá por eso, cuando en septiembre llega al grado Belinda Belmonte, una niña de mucha personalidad y gran deportista, se enamora perdidamente de ella y empieza a escribirle poemas de amor que ella no lee porque tiene algunas dificultades para leer. Entonces, en ayudarle a resolver su problema, Víctor encuentra su ocasión… pero terminan envueltos en una emocionante aventura: todas las letras del 'acebedario' están a punto de decidir retirarse definitivamente de la mente de los humanos, pues tienen la sensación de que a ellos ya no les interesa la lectura, y los dos niños intervienen para convencerlas de que no lo hagan, pues los hombres perderían no solo la imaginación sino también la memoria.


At eleven years old, Víctor Paredes loves reading love stories; Perhaps that is why, when Belinda Belmonte, a girl with a lot of personality and a great athlete, reaches her grade in September, he falls madly in love with her and begins to write her love poems that she does not read because she has some difficulties in reading. So, in helping him solve his problem, Víctor finds his chance… but they end up involved in an exciting adventure: all the letters of the 'alphabet book' are about to decide to permanently withdraw from the minds of humans, because they have the feeling that at they are no longer interested in reading, and the two children intervene to convince them not to do so, since the men would lose not only their imagination but also their memory.


María del Mar Gómez

Illustrator: Roger Ycaza

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Type of Book: Chapter

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 115

Size: 12

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2005

Sub Genre: Fantasy

Teaching and Learning Resources