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Albert Einstein

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Me llamo Albert Einstein y soy uno de los físicos más célebres de la historia de la humanidad. A lo largo de mi vida he formulado preguntas de vital importancia para comprender el universo,y en muchos casos he conseguido responderlas. ¡Acompáñame! Conocerás los descubrimientos científicos que han cambiado nuestra forma de entender el mundo y explicar conceptos como la energía o la gravedad..


English Description:

My name is Albert Einstein and I am one of the most famous physicists in the history of mankind. Throughout my life I have formulated questions of vital importance to understand the universe, and in many cases I have managed to answer them. Accompany me! You will learn about the scientific discoveries that have changed our way of understanding the world and explain concepts such as energy or gravity.

Publishing Details

Author : Jane Kent

Illustrator : Isabel Muñoz

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 42

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 2ND - 3RD

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Science, Numbers, Identity