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Ana Frank. La memoria del Holocausto

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Víctima de la persecución desatada por las leyes antijudías de los nazis, la familia de Ana Frank se vio obligada a exiliarse en Ámsterdam en 1933. Tras la invasión alemana de Holanda, en 1942 los Frank tuvieron que ocultarse en un edificio anexo a su fábrica, hasta que al cabo de dos años de encierro fueron descubiertos y enviados a campos de concentración. La dramática historia de Ana Frank, quien relató sus experiencias en un célebre diario, ha sido novelada con gran rigor histórico por Eduardo Alonso en este libro subyugante.


English Description:

Victim of the persecution unleashed by the Nazi anti-Jewish laws, Anne Frank's family was forced into exile in Amsterdam in 1933. After the German invasion of Holland, in 1942 the Franks had to hide in a building attached to their factory, until after two years of confinement they were discovered and sent to concentration camps. The dramatic story of Anne Frank, who recounted her experiences in a famous newspaper, has been fictionalized with great historical rigor by Eduardo Alonso in this captivating book.

Publishing Details

Author : Eduardo Alonso

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 192

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH, 6TH - 8TH

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: War, Social Studies, Social Emotional, Personal Narrative, Identity, Equality, Culture, Conflict