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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

La danza del mar

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Son 64 páginas de hermosas y poéticas ilustraciones, que sin palabras, nos hablan sobre la vida en el mar y el equilibrio con la pesca realizada por los seres humanos. Es un libro de barcos de pesca industrial, de peces y de sirenas vengativas que van y vienen. Un libro que nos muestra que el mar está vivo, que cobija y protege a un ballet submarino de especies amenazado por las sobrepesca.



There are 64 pages of beautiful and poetic illustrations that, without words, tell us about life in the sea and the balance with fishing carried out by human beings.It is a book of industrial fishing boats, fish and vengeful mermaids that come and go.A book that shows us that the sea is alive, that shelters and protects an underwater ballet of species threatened by overfishing.



Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 5TH

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture, Wordless

Pages: 68

Size: 9

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2017

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