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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

La gallinita de la pradera

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¡Mary McBlicken está segura de que se avecina una estampida! Se apresura al rancho y reúne a sus amigos (un perrito de las praderas, una liebre y una alondra) en el camino. Antes de que la gente peluda y emplumada llegue a su destino, se encuentran con un coyote que dice que conoce un atajo. ¿Deberían confiar en él? ¿Encontrarán a Cowboy Stan y Red Dog Dan a tiempo? ¿Y de dónde viene ese estruendo de todos modos?



Mary McBlicken is sure a stampede’s a comin’! She hurries to the ranch, gathering up her friends―a prairie dog, a jack rabbit, and a meadowlark―along the way. Before the fine feathered and furry folks get to their destination, they encounter a coyote who says he knows a shortcut. Should they trust him? Will they find Cowboy Stan and Red Dog Dan in time? And where is that rumbling coming from anyway?


Jackie Mims Hopkins

Reading Grade Level: 2ND

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 32

Size: 11

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2015

Teaching and Learning Resources