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Un hombre llamado Gabito

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

De Aracataca a Estocolmo pasando por Bogotá, París y Ciudad de México, un hombre con ojos de niño e imaginación de genio deleita al mundo con la prosa más hermosa que se ha escrito en los últimos tiempos. Su origen: un país llamado Colombia. Su nombre: Gabriel García Márquez, a quien todos sus queridos llamaban Gabito.


English Description:

From Aracataca to Stockholm passing through Bogotá, Paris and Mexico City, a man with the eyes of a child and the imagination of a genius delights the world with the most beautiful prose that has been written in recent times. Its origin: a country called Colombia. His name: Gabriel García Márquez, whom all his loved ones called Gabito.

Publishing Details

Author : John Naranjo

Illustrator : Gisela Bohorquez

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 36

Size: 20x29.5

Year Published: 2016

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Culture

Teacher Comments: "Un hombre llamado Gabito is a biography/personal narrative of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who was one of the most famous Colombian authors. This book is a great resource to teach about the importance of being persistent to accomplish a goal and exposes readers to one of the most influential authors in the world."