Books del Sur correlated our Reading Levels to U.S. grade levels to honor the biliteracy language development of our students. Given the phonetic nature of Spanish, it is challenging to level books based on the language structures of English. Therefore, Books del Sur's Fiction Guided Reading Sets are leveled using the following criteria:
- Book length
- The ability of illustrations to support the text
- The use of abstract concepts within the book
Books del Sur
Grade Level
Fountas & Pinnell Level*
Libros Azules
Blue Books
The language in these books includes simple Spanish syllables and sounds, so that they fit the early stages of decoding. The illustrations support the story line and promote new vocabulary development which will help to scaffold for reading comprehension.
Mid-Year 1st
Mid-Year 2nd
H, I, J, K, L
Libros Rojos
Red Books
The text complexity slightly increases in this series. The colorful illustrations support the text, but do not tell the story. The stories have slightly abstract concepts, which challenge reading comprehension. Reading comprehension requires inferring and a general understanding of humans and animals.
Mid-Year 2nd
Mid-Year 3rd
L, M, N, O
Libros Verdes
Green Books
The most noticeable shift between this collection and the prior is the length of the books. The page count more than doubles from the previous series. The average page count is 80. There are some colorful illustrations to support the story. Together the length of the book and limited picture clues make the story more abstract than the Libros Azules.
Mid-Year 3rd
Mid-Year 4th
O, P, Q, R
Libros Intermedios
Intermediate Books
This collection of books again increases in length. The average page count is 115, which is a jump from the previous level. There are very few illustrations and they are in black and white. This removes yet another scaffold for reading comprehension. The storyline is complex and the books contain more abstract concepts than the Libros Verdes.
Mid-Year 4th
End of 5th
S, T, U, V
Libros Avanzados
Advanced Books
Books at this level discuss abstract concepts, mature issues, and challenge readers’ stamina. The length of the books is greater than 115 pages and the font is smaller and there are few if any illustrations.
6th – Mid-Year 8th
W, X, Y, Z
Libros Maduros
Mature Books
This collection of books is also appropriate for adults because the issues discussed are mature and complex. However, most of the characters in the stories are adolescents to keep them relatable to high schoolers. The content is also abstract and can analyzed beyond the literal level to draw parallels to our current political and social situations.
Mid-Year 8th – 12th
*Please refer to Fountas & Pinnell’s Grade Level Equivalence Chart for the most recent grade level correlations.
Comment (1)
I like that you’ve used colors and description rather than an alpha or numerical coding system.