Book Clubs: Recursos y Lecciones
Welcome to Book Clubs at Books del Sur! We understand how essential teaching materials are for teachers. That’s why we’ve created resources to support educators in fostering literacy in their students.

What are Book Clubs?
Instructional Objective: Enlighten Students
- Peers lead group discussions where students talk about a book they are reading.
- Peer lead group discussions encourage active participation and deeper comprehension.
- Together with their peers students’ develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which will give them experiences they need to confidently do this on their own.

Why implement Book Clubs?
Research IT!
Ivey, G., & Johnston, P. H. (2015). Engaged Reading as a Collaborative Transformative Practice. Journal of Literacy Research, 47(3), 297-327.
- Gay Ivey and Peter Johnston studied the impact of reading on young people.
- They describe the experience of four high school teachers who transformed their classes by using young adult fiction.
- These teachers fostered an environment of open and respectful dialogue where students could share their interpretations and connect the stories to their own lives.
The results were remarkable: the students not only improved their reading and writing skills, but also developed greater empathy, self-confidence, and communication skills.
This approach demonstrates how young adult literature, when used effectively, can be key to the overall growth of students.
Book Club Collections

How to implement Book Clubs?
Plan de Lectura: Plan to read a book in 3 weeks. Plan to include reading time in class and discussion time. This will be a "unit".
Normas para Discusión (Discussion Norms): Guidelines for productive and respectful conversations during book club meetings.
Evaluación de Discurso (Discussion Rubric): A tool for evaluating students’ participation and contributions in discussions.
Boleto de Salida (Exit Ticket): A quick reflection tool for students to summarize key takeaways and thoughts at the end of a session.
Proyecto Cumulativo (Cumulative Project): Students select projects to demonstrate understanding of book.