I'm a teacherprenuer. As a teacherprenuer,I import Latin American Spanish children's literature and distribute it to schools and teachers in the U.S. and I am a bilingual/ESL teacher. Summer is an important time of the year for me to do inventory, accounting, write, and read new inventory. Summer is also playtime. Every summer I struggle to balance the urge to watch hours of “Keeping up with the Kardashians” and working until midnight. Most summers end with an unfinished TO DO list and too much knowledge of reality T.V. stars’ lives.
Oh, and a ton of guilt around my lack of productiveness.
So this summer in an effort to be more balanced I've created a system. I have cut up post it notes into smaller strips and I have them all over the house, but most strategically they are placed on my night stand and desk. I use to post-it notes to record the smallest of tasks like, “Make a Dr. Apt”. to “Complete Inventory”. Every morning, I go through my post-its and decide what are the 5 tasks I would like to complete today. I try to have a nice mix of easy to accomplish tasks to larger project like tasks. Once I've completed a task, I remove it from my list and put it in the beautiful box my friend made me. The box is essential so that at the end of the summer I have evidence that I actually accomplished some things this summer.
Some modifications I've made to my original TO DO List and post-its is to have a list of tasks that are "In the works..." these may be things that require communication or collaboration with others that I am waiting on or taking a break from. These tasks are often multi-stepped, so once the post-it is filled I will put it in my box and create another one. Also, I have mapped out the number of days I have to work, so that I can best judge what is possible to accomplish and what is not. Previously I have tackled huge tasks, not completed them, then felt like I didn't accomplish anything. I also have given myself Wednesdays off. It is the day my step-kids are home and they are a great reason to go outside and play!
The summer is nearly half way over and I am already feeling great about my productivity. I have many more things on my TO DO list, but with my post-it notes, list, and completion box. However, I am confident I will feel just as good about my productivity at the end of the summer and guilt free!
What are you doing this summer to accomplish your goals?