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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Afro-Latino American Resources

I caught the end of a great webinar it was titled,  More than One Drop:  Race in Latin America.  I was most fascinated by the conversation about language.  

One of my favorite books is ¡Hay que salvar a Sole!  I love it because it is layered with issues of immigration, animal rights, classism, friendship, learning a foreign language, and race.  

The race issue has been really troubling me. Ema, the narrator, a Chilean girl that moves to the Dominican Republic, describes her classmates as "negros o mulatos".  In the states, these terms have been used historically, and today are often offensive.  In my house swearing was not condoned yet, my father was always clear that he would wash our mouths out with soap if we used derogatory words to describe people of color or from other cultures.  So even today I feel uncomfortable using them.

The moderator of the webinar suggested that we use Afro-Latinos or Afro-specific to the nation.  She also provided some great resources to use to talk about race in the classroom.  

Brazil in Black & White, a PBS series

A Rising Voice:  Afro-Latin Americans, a series of articles by the Miami Herald.

What are some resources you have used to talk about Afro-Latinos?  

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