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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Rethinking Reading Levels Presentation - 5th Annual Effective Border Schools Conference

image of two people looking at books that are laying on the floor

Thank you so much for attending the session on Rethinking Reading Levels. 

Our Objectives are: 

  • Define Reading Levels
  • Analyze Spanish text complexity and compare it to English text complexity.
  • Discuss implications for students 

The following links are documents to support your learning and our discussions:


Turn & Talk #1: Pre-Assessment: What is a reading level?

Illustration of two people sitting together at a table, with the following discussion prompt: Pre-assessment: What is a reading level? Turn and talk

Turn & Talk #2: What do you notice about Text Gradient?

Chart titled "Definition of a Text Gradient" explaining what a text gradient is and what it is not, with a prompt to turn and talk about what you noticed.

Turn & Talk #3: What level do you think this book is?

Discussion prompt that says: What reading level do you think this is? It shows a page of a children's book with a large illustration of a monkey, and two lines of rhyming text in Spanish that say: "Toleramos a los otros y no somos insolentes, no golpeamos ni escupimos a quienes son diferentes."

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