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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Secondaria - Middle & High School

image of the spines of a stack of books

Photo of a child reading a book and wearing some noise-cancelling headphones

Lectoescritura & Literacy: Bilingual Recursos

Bilingual Chapter Book Read Aloud-  Bilingual Pride on Youtube reads chapter books to the kids!


 Audible K-12- offers an array of books in multiple languages!

Español – Recursos en Español 

Duolingo- helps learn a language and you can choose which language to set the website to.

Free Spanish E-Books- list of 22 editorials offering free e-books for every age!

Podcast en Espanol - Con ellos podrás mejorar tus habilidades de comunicación en español. Aprender un idioma escuchando a nativos y usando transcripciones es, probablemente, el método más poderoso que existe para conseguir fluidez al hablar y comprender correctamente a los nativos.

Walking Tour of Latin American Capital Cities - this blog post includes a downloadable observation sheet from Pura Vida Moms a former High School teacher.

 English – Literacy Resources

 Teen Writing Classes with Kelly Yang- teaches teens the different areas of writing a story through videos!

NoRedInk- helps improve grammar and spelling.

Milwaukee Public Library Digital- lets kids read e-books, listen to audio books, and much more.

Hogwarts from Homea free online collection of child-friendly activities, videos, puzzles, illustrations, quizzes, creative ideas, articles and much more to encourage reading!

Free Journalism Resources- this is a collection of lesson plans, activities, and resources to break down journalism techniques and formats.

Close up photo of a child's hand drawing a solution to a math problem on a piece of paper

Matemáticas – Recursos en Español

BrainPOP- has a Spanish website and an English website that helps in every category of math.

Khan Academy- offers help with every subject including honors, now in Spanish!

Math – Resources in English

Khan Academy- offers help with every subject including honors!

HippoCampus- breaks down to every category of math. Their course includes a warm-up, examples, textbook lesson, practice, and review.


Close up of a classroom globe

Más Recursos

More Resources

 Virtual Dissections and Labs- here's a list of sites where teens can do online dissections and different labs!

People Historian's Online Classes- includes a presentation, small group conversation, and more.

National Museum of the U.S. Air Force- this is an educational virtual field trip through the museum where they can get additional information with videos, audio, or links to other resources!

The Body Coach- offers workout video to keep teens active.

 Girls Who Code- is offering free coding activities at different difficulty levels and features a woman in tech weekly.

Harptoons Drawing Lessons- has video tutorials on how to draw more advanced cartoon characters!

 Winchester Mystery House- you can take a video tour and learn about this interesting place!

The White House- a virtual tour of the building and each floor guided by Mr. and Mrs. Obama. 

 Virtual Sign Language Class- Jennifer Delora, a deaf woman, is offering free sign language lesson to people of all ages.

EduHam at Home Through EduHam, students study primary source documents from the Founding Era, learn how Lin-Manuel Miranda used such documents to create the musical Hamilton, and create their own original performance pieces based on the same material.

Gilder Lehrman Institute Program- offers study guides for AP US History and other exams, online exhibits, primary source documents, lectures by major historians, and much more!

Virtual Tour of Frank Lloyd Wright Homes- you can now tour 17 different homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Disney's How to DrawDisney is posting a "How to Draw" series on their Youtube. Older kids can watch the videos and have fun drawing some of the characters they grew up with.

Pixar in a Box- Through Khan Academy learn how animators do their jobs from special effect to lighting, to drawing the actual characters.

The Lion King Experience- Disney is offering a program called "The Lion King Experience" which is an immersive arts education program that introduces students to many different aspects of theater-making through the lens of The Lion King through an online class for ages 12-15!

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