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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Teaching and Learning Resources

  • Strategies for using authentic Spanish literature
    April 9, 2021

    Strategies for using authentic Spanish literature

    Using authentic (i.e. untranslated) Spanish texts can be daunting, especially if the author comes from a country or culture other than your own. Don’t let your discomfort stop you! Spanish-speakers are an incredibly diverse group of people; their dialects, historical contexts, and cultures vary greatly from one region to the next. Exposing our young readers to this diversity through literature will benefit them greatly and we as teachers need to step up to the task of doing it well!

    Here are some of our favorite strategies for making the most of an authentic Spanish text with U.S. bilingual students.

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  • Tips for reading aloud to children in your second language
    February 8, 2021

    Tips for reading aloud to children in your second language

    What does it look like to teach literacy in Spanish when it’s not my first language? How can I be genuine about my lack of knowledge yet still be competent, knowledgeable and command respect? This moment -- when you’re reading aloud to children in your second language and you come across an unfamiliar word -- is a fork in the road for educators. How we handle unfamiliar words really shapes the learning environment. It’s uncomfortable, challenging, maybe even embarrassing -- but it’s also a critical opportunity to model what it means to be a language learner.
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  • Why read aloud to your students
    September 1, 2020

    Why read aloud to your students

    Caitlin Kiley  When I think back to elementary school, the thing I remember loving most about the school day (besides recess, of course) was when my teachers read aloud to the class. By the first day of fifth grade, we...

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  • Feliz Cumpleanos poster
    August 10, 2018

    Where We Started ... Where We Are NOW

    Books del Sur started well before it's founder Heather Robertson-Devine filled out incorporation paperwork in Wisconsin in 2009.  It started when she met a foreign exchange student, Ignacio Munoz at her high school and then ... the story continues to be influenced by amazing people along the way. Read more about it here.
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