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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Prompts to Practice Reading Strategies

I took a golf lesson today. I've golfed maybe 4 times in my life, so when my father-in-law offered I take his spot at a lesson, I jumped at it. I knew that if I were to continue to play I wanted to learn how to play correctly rather then having to re-learn. If only learning were so easy.
This reminds me of what I'm doing with my reading group. The students are uber shy so I decided to use some prompts to help them talk about their reading. The prompts also provoke a comment about the book using a reading strategy. (If you'd like to use these prompts click here.) What I realized today while hitting golf tees (yes, I'm not ready for balls yet), was that having my students practice with these prompts is good practice. It's going to help them be better readers. They will know these prompts by heart and they will use them naturally in conversation.
I can only hope for their sake they use these natural prompts much sooner then my golf swing feels natural.
I took a golf lesson today. I've golfed maybe 4 times in my life, so when my father-in-law offered I take his spot at a lesson, I jumped at it. I knew that if I were to continue to play I wanted to learn how to play correctly rather then having to re-learn. If only learning were so easy.
This reminds me of what I'm doing with my reading group. The students are uber shy so I decided to use some prompts to help them talk about their reading. The prompts also provoke a comment about the book using a reading strategy. (If you'd like to use these prompts click here.) What I realized today while hitting golf tees (yes, I'm not ready for balls yet), was that having my students practice with these prompts is good practice. It's going to help them be better readers. They will know these prompts by heart and they will use them naturally in conversation.
I can only hope for their sake they use these natural prompts much sooner than my golf swing feels natural.

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