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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.
image of a spanish worksheet

Word Study: Estudio de Palabras Integrado

Day 1 with my new team we discussed Word Work - do we use Estrellita? Words their Way? (the Spanish version - ha!)  And next comes the big sigh, followed by, "When do we have time to teach this, when we already are crunched to do reading groups in both English and Spanish?!" I've struggled with these issues too.  I also try to stay true to the constructivist teacher I am.  So... I have a solution.  An imperfect solution, but something.  I am confident that if you try it and give me feedback, then we can all learn from you too! So here is a video explanation (in Spanish. Sorry about my errors.  If you haven't read Emily Zoeller's article, "5 Excusas mas comunes por no presentar en Espanol", you should and you will present much more often in Spanish too.) Here are the resources mentioned and shown in the presentation.  They are available in Word so that you can edit them.   Please for the greater good of us all, leave your feedback in the comments below or email me: Gracias y muy amable!
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