Books del Sur Author Talk & Read Aloud: Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our very popular Author Talk series!
Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our very popular Author Talk series!
Using authentic (i.e. untranslated) Spanish texts can be daunting, especially if the author comes from a country or culture other than your own. Don’t let your discomfort stop you! Spanish-speakers are an incredibly diverse group of people; their dialects, historical contexts, and cultures vary greatly from one region to the next. Exposing our young readers to this diversity through literature will benefit them greatly and we as teachers need to step up to the task of doing it well!
Here are some of our favorite strategies for making the most of an authentic Spanish text with U.S. bilingual students.
by Caitlin Kiley You’ve got some beautiful, colorful, authentic informational texts that you want to explore with your students... but they have a ton of information, they're too long to read all in one sitting, and they're full of rich...
Caitlin Kiley Making your virtual read aloud enjoyable and engaging for your students means drawing on a lot of skills you would use in a regular classroom setting, but there are some strategies that will up your distance learning game. Don't miss these tips for...
Caitlin Kiley When I think back to elementary school, the thing I remember loving most about the school day (besides recess, of course) was when my teachers read aloud to the class. By the first day of fifth grade, we...
TEACHERS, we need your help! Books del Sur is building a bilingual cadre of teachers to help create teacher guides in Spanish for our print and digital Read Aloud Collections. Unlike most educational companies, Books del Sur was founded by...