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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Un diamante en el fondo de la tierra

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Cuando al personaje principal le asignan describir a sus abuelos, él tiene problemas para conectar con ellos.Entonces descubre un tesoro. Otros descubren las memorias de sus abuelos sobre viajes, amor, el pez grande que pescaron y sobre pingüinos. Este libro ilustrado en blanco y negro, mezcla fantásticas historias con la dura realidad de la historia.


English Description:

When the main character is assigned to describe his grandparent he struggles to connect with, he uncovers a treasure. Others uncover their grandparents' memories of travel, love, big fish, and penguins. This black and white illustrated book mixes whimsical stories with the harsh reality of history.

Publishing Details

Author : Jairo Buitrago

Illustrator : Daniel Blanco Pantoja

Author Nationality : Colombia

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 36

Size: 25 x 18,4 cm

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Historical Fiction, Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Personal Narrative, Family, Community