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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Los insectos son criaturas increíbles. ¿Sabías que fueron uno de los primeros organismos que colonizaron nuestro planeta cuando recién se estaba estableciendo la vida en tierra firme? ¿O que fueron los primeros en desarrollar alas y conquistar el aire? Pero... ¿Qué tanto sabemos de ellos? Te invitamos a un entretenido viaje al mundo de los insectos. Conoceremos cómo son, de dónde vienen, cómo han sobrevivido a tantas extinciones y problemas, entre muchas otras cosas. Veremos once grupos de insectos, ¡algunos que puede que no conozcas!


English Description:

Insects are incredible creatures. Did you know that they were one of the first organisms to colonize our planet when life was just establishing itself on land? Or that they were the first to develop wings and conquer the air? But ... how much do we know about them? We invite you to an entertaining trip to the world of insects. We will know what they are like, where they come from, how they have survived so many extinctions and problems, among many other things. We will see eleven groups of insects, some that you may not know!

Publishing Details

Author : Daniel Aguilera-Olivares

Illustrator : Itza Maturana

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Pages: 48

Size: 28 X 21.5 cm

Year Published: 2018

Instructional Details

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction

Theme: Science, Nature, Animals