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Ada Magnífica y los pantalones peligrosos

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Ada Twist is full of questions. A scientist to her very core, Ada asks why again and again. One question always leads to another until she’s off on a journey of discovery! When Rosie Revere’s Uncle Ned gets a little carried away wearing his famous helium pants, it’s up to Ada and friends to chase him down. As Uncle Ned floats farther and farther away, Ada starts asking lots of questions: How high can a balloon float? Is it possible for Uncle Ned to float into outer space? And what’s the best plan for getting him down?


Spanish Description: Ada Magnífica es la reina de las preguntas. Científica de corazón, Ada pregunta por qué una y otra vez. Una pregunta siempre lleva a otra, hasta que se embarca en un viaje de descubrimiento. Cuando el viento se lleva a Ned, el tío de Rosa Pionera, con sus famosos pantalones de helio, depende de Ada y sus amigos salvarlo. Mientras el tío Ned flota más y más lejos, Ada comienza a hacer muchas preguntas. ¿Qué tan alto puede volar el tío Ned? ¿Subirá volando hasta el espacio? Y, lo más importante: ¿cómo pueden bajarlo?

English Description:

Magnificent Ada has a head full of questions. Like her classmates Pedro and Rosa, Ada has always had an insatiable curiosity. But when she takes her explorations and complicated science experiments too far, her parents tire and send her to the thinking corner. Will all that thinking make you change your mind?

Publishing Details

Author : Andrea Beaty

Illustrator : David Roberts

Author Nationality : United States

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 144

Size: 9 x 12 cm

Year Published: 2022

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Imagination, School, Science, STEM