Bea es una niña muy inquieta que no consigue concentrarse en clase, algo que preocupa mucho a sus padres y profesores. ¡Podría repetir el curso! Mientras buscan la solución a este problema, descubren que Bea no está enferma, sólo tiene una afición que no puede contener, Bea baila.
English Description:
Bea is always on the move, but she has trouble concentrating, especially when it comes to multiplication tables. Bea’s parents take her to a doctor and a psychiatrist, but it turns out that all Bea really needs is to dance. Soon she discovers that she can even dance while practicing multiplication!
Author : Luciano Lozano
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 1ST - 2ND
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: School, Numbers, Identity, Family
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