A principio de 2017, la postura de la Senadora Elizabeth Warren, al negarse a ser silenciada durante un debate en el Senado, provocó un espontáneo homenaje a todas las mujeres que han perseverado ante la adversidad. En este libro, Chelsea Clinton rinde homenaje a trece mujeres americanas que contribuyeron a forjar los ideales de nuestro país gracias a su tenacidad, a veces alzando sus voces en señal de protesta, otras, optando por no levantarse de su asiento o cautivando al público. Todas ellas persistieron. Ella persistió es para todos los que en alguna ocasión han querido alzar su voz, pero han sido silenciados, para los que han tratado de alcanzar las estrellas, pero les han dicho que es mejor no intentarlo, y para todos aquellos a los que en algún momento los han hecho sentir insignificantes, pequeños, sin importancia.
English Description:
In early 2017, Senator Elizabeth Warren's stance, in refusing to be silenced during a Senate debate, sparked a spontaneous tribute to all women who have persevered in the face of adversity. In this book, Chelsea Clinton pays tribute to thirteen American women who helped shape the ideals of our country through their tenacity, sometimes raising their voices in protest, sometimes choosing not to get up from their seats or captivating audiences. All of them persisted. She persisted is for all those who have ever wanted to raise their voices, but have been silenced, for those who have tried to reach the stars, but have been told that it is better not to try, and for all those who at some moment they have made them feel insignificant, small, unimportant.
Author : Chelsea Clinton
Illustrator : Alexandra Boiger
Author Nationality : United States
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 2ND - 3RD
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-Genre: Biography, Informational, Non-Fiction
Theme: Women in History, Social Issues, About POC, Asian American, Equality, Community, Fiction