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Ella persistió alrededor del mundo 13 mujeres que cambiaron la historia

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En todo el mundo, las mujeres siempre han soñado en grande, aun cuando les han dicho que sus sueños no cuentan. Han alzado sus voces, se han levantado en protesta y han luchado por lo que es justo, a pesar de que, a veces, sus voces han sido silenciadas. Ya sea en las ciencias, las artes, los deportes o como activistas, mujeres y niñas a lo largo de la historia han luchado por romper barreras y cambiar el statu quo. No han permitido que otros se interpongan en su camino, nos han ayudado a entender mejor nuestro mundo y lo que es posible lograr. En este segundo libro, compañero de Ella persistió: 13 mujeres americanas que cambiaron el mundo, Chelsea Clinton presenta al lector a un grupo de trece increíbles mujeres de todo el mundo que han conformado la historia.

All over the world, women have always dreamed big, even when told that their dreams don't count. They have raised their voices, they have stood up in protest and they have fought for what is right, even though, at times, their voices have been silenced. Whether in the sciences, arts, sports or as activists, women and girls throughout history have struggled to break down barriers and change the status quo. They have not allowed others to get in their way, they have helped us better understand our world and what is possible to achieve. In this second book, Ella's Companion Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World, Chelsea Clinton introduces the reader to a group of thirteen incredible women from around the world who have shaped history.

Author: Chelsea Clinton 

Illustrator: Alexandra Boiger 

Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 4TH, 4TH - 5TH

Type of Spanish Book: Translated

Type of Book: Picture

Fiction or Nonfiction: Non-Fiction

Pages:  18

Cover: Hard Cover

Year Published: 2018

Comprehensive Read Aloud Grade: 4th

Comprehensive Read Aloud Collection: 14- Perseverancia

Guía docente / Lesson Plan

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Hardcover

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4th

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Women in History, Social Issues, About POC, Equality, Disabilities, Fiction