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Fake Over

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¿Qué son? ¿Quién las crea? Y, sobre todo, ¿con qué propósito? En las redes sociales encontramos, a diario, imágenes y vídeos manipulados, teorías de la conspiración, deepfakes y bots que nos la intentan jugar. Y, por si fuera poco, podemos ser cómplices sin saberlo y contribuir al caos de la desinformación, pues carecemos de las herramientas necesarias para verificar qué es cierto y qué es mentira. Pero ¿y si evitar que nos tomen el pelo es más fácil de lo que crees?




English Description:

What are they? Who creates them? And, above all, for what purpose? On social networks we find, on a daily basis, manipulated images and videos, conspiracy theories, deepfakes and bots that try to play us. And, as if that were not enough, we can be complicit without knowing it and contribute to the chaos of disinformation, since we lack the necessary tools to verify what is true and what is false. But what if avoiding being fooled is easier than you think?

Publishing Details

Author : Nereida Carrillo

Illustrator : Alberto Montt

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 120

Year Published: 2022

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 6th-8th

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Informational

Theme: Social Issues, Adventure, Conflict

Lesson Plan Link: Link