Ele Chiquita es la más alta de las letras minúsculas, eso es divertido, aunque también tiene sus desventajas. Por ejemplo, tiene que agacharse para entrar a todos lados y los pájaros suelen hacer nidos en su cabeza. Un día, Ele decide quedarse agachada porque siente que no encaja muy bien entre sus compañeras. Sin embargo, el mundo empieza a trastocarse porque muchas palabras la necesitan. ¿Se quedará agachada para siempre?
English Description:
Ele Chiquita is the tallest of the lowercase letters, that's fun, but it also has its downsides. For example, he has to bend down to get in everywhere and birds often make nests on his head. One day, Ele decides to stay down because she feels that she doesn't fit in very well with her classmates. However, the world begins to turn upside down because many words need it. Will she stay down forever?
Author : Javier Peñalosa M
Illustrator : Adriana Campos
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 1ST - 2ND, 2ND - 3RD
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Identity, Friendship, Alphabet, Family, Animals