Inés de Suárez pasó a la historia como la primera mujer española en llegar a Chile. Desde pequeña, Inés soñó con viajes y aventuras que la llevarían a conocer el Nuevo Mundo. Se embarcó a América en busca de su marido, sin imaginar que en Perú conocería a Pedro de Valdivia y que terminaría participando de la conquista de Chile y de la fundación de Santiago, ciudad que defendería y donde viviría el resto de su vida. Una historia que saca a la luz el papel de una mujer adelantada a su tiempo en la conquista española de América.
English Description:
Inés de Suárez went down in history as the first Spanish woman to arrive in Chile. Since childhood, Ines dreamed of trips and adventures that would take her to know the New World. She embarked to America in search of her husband, without imagining that in Peru she would meet Pedro de Valdivia, and that she would end up participating in the conquest of Chile and the foundation of Santiago, a city she would defend and where she would live the rest of her life. A story that brings to light the role of a woman ahead of her time in the Spanish conquest of America.
Author : Valentina Rebolledo
Illustrator : Margarita Valdés
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 4TH
Genre: Non-Fiction
Sub-Genre: Informational, Non-Fiction
Theme: Women in History