Julia cuenta, en verso, la historia de una niña nacida en el seno de una humilde familia puertorriqueña a principios del siglo pasado. Con bellas ilustraciones, recrea la época en que creció y narra cómo se convirtió en una de las poetas más queridas de Puerto Rico y América Latina. Su nombre es Julia de Burgos y esta es su vida antes de ser grande.
English Description:
Julia tells, in verse, the story of a girl born into a humble Puerto Rican family at the beginning of last century. With beautiful illustrations, it re-creates the time in which she grew up, and narrates how she became one of Puerto Rico's and Latin America's most beloved poets. Her name is Julia de Burgos and this is her life before she was big.
Author : Georgina Lazaro
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 3RD - 4TH
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Women in History, About POC, Family, Fiction