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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Las Huellas Secretas

Regular price $8.99
Sale price $8.99

Ambientada en la República Dominicana, la leyenda de las ciguapas, criaturas que viven en cuevas en el mar, se convierte en realidad para una familia cuando se encuentran con Guapa, una joven ciguapa, en tierra mientras busca comida en las últimas horas de la noche.


English Description:

Set in the Dominican Republic, the legend of the ciguapas, creatures that live in caves in the sea, becomes reality for a family when they meet Guapa, a young ciguapa, on land while looking for food in the late hours of the night.