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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Nadando al cielo, volando al mar

Regular price $18.99
Sale price $18.99

¿Cuán fuertes son nuestros sueños? ¿Podemos ver el mundo a través de otros ojos? Dos estrellas nos invitan a responder estas preguntas a lo largo de un poético viaje cargado de metáforas. "Nadando al cielo, volando al mar" es un libro que desafía el pensamiento y despierta la empatía.



English Description:

How strong are our dreams? Can we see the world through other eyes? Two stars invite us to answer these questions throughout a poetic journey full of metaphors. "Swimming to the sky, flying to the sea" is a book that challenges thought and awakens empathy.