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Wonder: La Historia de Julián

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Esta es la historia de Julian, el niño que peor se porta con él. No soporta verlo, no soporta que sea amigo de Jack, no soporta que esté en su colegio... y no es capaz de darse cuenta del impacto que sus actos pueden tener en los demás. Provocadora, sorprendente y emotiva, La historia de Julian deleitará a los lectores de WONDER. La lección de August... y a los que todavía no la han leído.

English Description:

This is the story of Julian, the boy who behaves the worst with him. He can't stand seeing him, he can't stand being friends with Jack, he can't stand him being at his school ... and he can't see the impact his actions can have on others. Provocative, surprising and emotional, Julian's story will delight WONDER readers. August's lesson ... and those who haven't read it yet.

Publishing Details

Author : R. J. Palacio

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 160

Year Published: 2015

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 5th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Emotional, School, Bullying, Community