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Querido Milo

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Ema ya tiene 17 años y acaba de recibir un fuerte golpe: a su adorado amigo Milo le han diagnosticado leucemia y para sobrevivir necesita urgente un trasplante de médula. Con sus amigos, Ema decide ayudar a buscar los recursos económicos que la familia no tiene para costear el procedimiento. Saben que están contra el tiempo y para ello se contactan con toda clase de personas. Pero el grupo se enfrentará con una realidad que les era desconocida: a la gente no le conmueve el sufrimiento humano y no está dispuesta a molestarse por aliviarlo.



English Description:

Ema is already 17 years old and has just received a heavy blow: her beloved friend Milo has been diagnosed with leukemia and in order to survive she urgently needs a bone marrow transplant. With her friends, Ema decides to help find the financial resources that the family does not have to pay for the procedure. They know they are against time and for this they contact all kinds of people. But the group will face a reality that was unknown to them: people are not touched by human suffering and are not willing to bother to relieve it.

Publishing Details

Author : Angélica Dossetti

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 248

Size: 13 x 18.5 cm

Year Published: 2019

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 9th-12th

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Social Emotional, Illness, Friendship, Disabilities, Community

Lesson Plan Link: Link