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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Collection: Book Clubs

book club logoBooks del Sur Book Clubs support a community of readers that are engaging in similar topics at each individual’s entry point. Small groups of readers will be inspired to discuss these engaging stories and texts. The themes will also extend the whole class’s conversations from the Comprehensive Read Aloud themes into deeper more meaningful conversations about the world and themselves as readers. The sets of books increase as readers become more independent.

Books del Sur Book Clubs include:

  • 6 copies of each title
  • Chapter books (only grades 2nd through 5th grade) and picture books
  • Books in Spanish written and illustrated by Latin American authors
  • Kindergarten Book Clubs consist of 2 sets and 6 different titles
  • 1st Grade Book Clubs consist of 4 sets and 16 different titles
  • 2nd Grade Book Clubs consist of 4 sets and 16 different titles
  • 3rd Grade Book Clubs consist of 4 sets and 20 different titles
  • 4th Grade Book Clubs consist of 5 sets and 25 different titles
  • 5th Grade Book Clubs consist of 5 sets and 25 different titles
  • Resources & Lessons / Recursos y Leciones

Book Clubs


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