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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Animales marinos de México

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Aunque parezca increíble sólo una pequeña parte del mar ha sido explorada. ¡Más personas han viajado al espacio exterior que a las zonas más deconocidas de los océanos! Este libro preserva la vida secreta de las criaturas que habitan el mar. 

The prolific marine life of Mexico jumps out of the black background of this book and are complemented by dense informative text. Don't miss the final pages of the book that include classifications, country of habitat and more. An excellent resource for research and a work of art.

Author: Rebeca Orozco

Illustrator: Lucho Rodríguez 

Reading Grade Level: 1ST-3RD

Type of Book: Picture

Type of Spanish Book: Authentic

Fiction or Non-Fiction: Non-Fiction

Cover: Soft Cover

Year Published: 2008

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Instructional Details

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Science, Oceans, Animals, Environment