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Ciro, el cigüeño preguntón

Regular price $13.59
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Ciro quiere descubrir cuál es su labor como cigüeño en este mundo. Ha oído que las cigüeñas llevan a los recién nacidos a sus madres, pero está desconcertado porque nunca se lo han enseñado y no sabe dónde encontrarlos. Ciro emprende un viaje en búsqueda de la respuesta, el cual lo ayudará a conocer y valorar su propia identidad. 


English Description:

Ciro wants to discover what his work is as a stork in this world. He has heard that their role is to bring newborns to their mothers, but he is baffled because he has never been taught and he does not know where to find them. In search of the answer, he embarks on a journey that will help him to know and value his own identity.

Publishing Details

Author : Claudia Engeler

Illustrator : Andrés Jullian

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 40

Size: 20X20 cm

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Science, Identity, Animals, Community