Leticia detesta la idea de tener que usar frenillos. Piensa que se va a ver horrible y que mejor sería usar ese dinero en vacaciones familiares. Está llena de dudas y su ortodoncista solo logra aclarar algunas. Por eso, Leticia fundará “El club de los frenillos” en su colegio, y juntos aprenderán los beneficios y desafíos de usar frenillos.
English Description:
Leticia hates the idea of having to wear braces. She thinks it is going to look awful and that it would be better to use that money on family vacations. She is full of doubts and her orthodontist only manages to clarify some. That is why Leticia will start “The braces club” at her school, where she and her classmates will learn the benefits and challenges of wearing braces.
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 3rd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction
Theme: Identity, Friendship, Family, Change