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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Este libro presenta dos cuentos en los que el protagonista es Humberto, un hipopótamo lleno de humor y de ternura. Primero se nos cuenta el regreso de sus vacaciones: ya no cabe por la puerta de entrada de su casa, su ropa se ha encogido y su sillón ya no es tan cómodo como antes. ¿Quién le habrá hecho una broma de tan mal gusto? ¿Será capaz de encontrar el camino a una vida equilibrada y saludable? Luego, Humberto encuentra una estrella perdida: ¿cuál será el lugar de esta estrella?, ¿Hollywood?, ¿la bandera de Chile?, ¿el cielo o el mar? Humberto no descansa hasta lograr encontrar el verdadero hogar de su nueva amiga y en su recorrido emociona y hace reír.


English Description:

This book presents two stories in which the protagonist is Humberto, a hippo full of humor and tenderness. First we are told about the return from his vacation: it no longer fits through the entrance door of his house, his clothes have shrunk and his armchair is no longer as comfortable as before. Who will have made a joke of such bad taste? Will you be able to find the way to a balanced and healthy life? Then, Humberto finds a lost star: what will be the place of this star? Hollywood? The flag of Chile? The sky or the sea? Humberto does not rest until he finds the true home of his new friend and on his journey he moves and makes her laugh.

Publishing Details

Author : Paula Vasquez

Illustrator : Paula Vasquez

Author Nationality : Chile

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Size: 20 x 20 cm

Year Published: 2016

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 1st

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction

Theme: Identity, Humor, Friendship, Animals, Community