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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Lo difícil

Regular price $19.99
Sale price $19.99

Cuando salgo de casa, todo me resulta difícil.
Siento un cosquilleo que no deja de sonar, y cada paso que doy es un triunfo».
Comunicarse no es tan fácil como parece. A veces hay que realizar un gran esfuerzo y armarse de valor. A nuestro protagonista le gustaría poder saludar al panadero, a su vecina Ana o a la señora Antonia… pero cuando lo intenta se le acelera el corazón y le sudan las manos.



English Description:

When I leave the house, everything is difficult for me. I feel a tingling that does not stop ringing, and every step I take is a triumph. Communicating is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes you have to make a great effort and arm yourself with courage. Our protagonist would like to be able to greet the baker, his neighbor Ana or Mrs. Antonia... but when he tries, his heart races and his palms sweat.