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Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

Es una novela corta. Maísa, en realidad María Eloísa, estudia en una escuela de monjas; en ella empieza a descubrir los contradictorios entretelones del mundo y de la vida, pero sin dejar de vivir a plenitud las maravillas de la infancia: los juegos, la amistad, las riñas…



English Description:

It is a short novel. Maísa, actually María Eloísa, studies at a nuns' school; In it she begins to discover the contradictory behind-the-scenes of the world and of life, but without stopping living fully the wonders of childhood: games, friendship, fights...

Publishing Details

Author : Felipe Nersys

Illustrator : María Belén Mena

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 93

Year Published: 1996

Instructional Details

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Realistic Fiction

Theme: Social Issues, Personal Narrative, Family, Culture, Community

Teacher Comments: "This chapter book describes a time period in Cuba after the revolution and explores social issues, such as poverty and religion. This narrative explores Maisa's world and provides a very beautiful visual into this time frame."