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Miguel tiene un secreto

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

La pequeña Shigeko siempre lleva con ella un cuaderno. En sus páginas anota las cosas que va mirando –el vuelo del zorzal, la hoja que se desprende del árbol o el gato que cruza la calle– y da forma a pequeños poemas que, según le explica su madre, se conocen con el nombre de haiku.


English Description:

Miguel, the penguin, avoids the frequent meetings of the other penguins on the ice because he is ashamed of his enormous feet. He spends his days alone and sad, until one day he realizes that his feet can do amazing things. An endearing story of a acceptance and self-doubt.

Publishing Details

Author : Trinidad Castro

Illustrator : Virginia Herrera

Type of Spanish : Authentic

Physical Details

Type of Book: Picture

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 32

Year Published: 2014

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten

Genre: Fiction

Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature

Theme: Identity, Animals, Community