Tomás es un solitario elefante de circo que quiere recibir el mismo cariño que Salchichín, el perro salchicha de la dueña del circo. Aun cuando Tomás logra ser adoptado y tratado como un perrito, pronto se da cuenta que todos tienen que ser aceptados y queridos tal cual son, más allá de las apariencias.
English Description:
In this sweet story, an elephant who works in a circus finds himself wishing for someone else’s life. Wouldn’t it be nice, he wonders, to be like the little dachshund and have an owner that pets him and spoils him? His search for happiness ultimately leads him to a realization about love, integrity, and the joy we can find in being our true selves.
Author : Myriam Yagnam
Illustrator : Carolina Durán
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: Kindergarten
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature
Theme: Personal Narrative, Identity, Animals