Emilio's grandfather brings a Hispanic flavor to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears when he brings a beautiful heroine with black braids to the center of the story.
Spanish Description: El abuelo de Emilio le da un sabor hispano a la historia de Ricitos de oro y los tres osos cuando trae una hermosa heroína con trenzas negras al centro de la historia.
English Description:
Emilio's grandfather gives a Hispanic flavor to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as he brings a beautiful, black-braided heroine to the center of the tale.
Author : Jerry Tello
Illustrator : Ana López Escrivá
Type of Spanish : Bilingual
Reading Grade Level: 3rd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction, Traditional Literature
Theme: Animals, Culture, Family, Fables & Folktales