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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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Buenos díás, Señora Walker

Regular price $13.59
Sale price $13.59

Irene y su pequeño hermano llegan al pueblo para cambiar los aires de la ciudad y disfrutar por unos días la compañía de su abuela, una gran narradora de cuentos que fascinan a sus nietos. Allí conocen a Martín, un niño considerado raro, al que todos esquivan y ven mal. A pesar de eso, la niña entabla una tierna e incomprendida amistad con él, que le permitirá conocer una historia marcada por el dolor que causa la ausencia definitiva de la madre, que intenta ser superado con la fantasía de creerla presente. Pero solo la comprensión de la amiga, su solidaridad y su afecto, terminarán llevándole a la aceptación de la realidad.


English Description:

Irene and her little brother come to town to change the atmosphere of the city and enjoy for a few days the company of their grandmother, a great storyteller who fascinates her grandchildren. There they meet Martín, a boy considered strange, whom everyone avoids and sees badly. Despite this, the girl establishes a tender and misunderstood friendship with him, which will allow her to discover a story marked by the pain caused by the definitive absence of her mother, who tries to be overcome with the fantasy of believing her present. But only the friend's understanding, her solidarity and her affection will end up leading him to accept reality.