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Cervantes. Un escritor en busca de la libertad

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Todos conocemos la magia y la grande­ literaria del Quijote, pero ¿cómo fue la vida de su autor?. Desde el umbral de la muerte, el propio Cervantes nos relata su apasionante historia en este libro: las penurias de su infancia, la pelea que le obligó a abandonar España, su expe­riencia como soldado, la herida que re­cibió en la batalla de Lepanto, su peno­so cautiverio en Argel, los viajes que realizó por Andalucía y la Mancha recaudando impuestos, su paso por las cárceles de Castro del Río y Sevilla... Al hilo de sus peripecias vitales, el autor nos describe las grandezas y miserias de la España que le tocó vivir, un país muy poderoso pero obsesionado por la limpieza de la sangre y plagado de gentes menesterosas y ociosos con ansias de medro. En su relato pinta con magistrales trazos las ciudades donde vivió y, sobre todo, aquella alegre y bulliciosa Sevilla a la que tanto admiraba. A través de sus palabras conoceremos la pasión que sentía por los libros y el teatro, su creciente desencanto que acabó derivando en una magistral ironía, la amargura que le causó la aparición del apócrifo Quijote de Avellaneda, pero, sobre todo, sus irrenunciables ansias de libertad. El rigor histórico y el dramatismo de los grandes relatos, en fin, se aúnan en esta amena biografía, que nos ayuda a comprender mejor la obra de un escritor imprescindible.


English Description:

We all know the magic and the literary greatness of Don Quixote, but how was the life of its author? From the threshold of death, Cervantes himself tells us his passionate story in this book: the hardships of his childhood, the fight that forced him to leave Spain, his experience as a soldier, the wound he received in the battle of Lepanto, his painful captivity in Algiers, the trips he made through Andalusia and La Mancha collecting taxes, his time in the prisons of Castro del Río and Seville... Following his vital adventures, the author describes the greatness and misery of the Spain that he had to live, a very powerful country but obsessed with the cleanliness of the blood and plagued by needy and idle people with a desire to prosper. In his story he paints with masterful strokes the cities where he lived and, above all, that happy and bustling Seville that he admired so much. Through his words we will learn about the passion he felt for books and the theater, his growing disenchantment that ended up leading to a masterful irony, the bitterness caused by the appearance of the apocryphal Quixote de Avellaneda, but, above all, his inalienable longing for freedom. The historical rigor and the drama of great stories, in short, come together in this entertaining biography, which helps us to better understand the work of an essential writer. above all, his inalienable desire for freedom. The historical rigor and the drama of great stories, in short, come together in this entertaining biography, which helps us to better understand the work of an essential writer. above all, his inalienable desire for freedom. The historical rigor and the drama of great stories, in short, come together in this entertaining biography, which helps us to better understand the work of an essential writer.

Publishing Details

Author : Antonio Rey Hazas, Eduardo Murias de Aller

Illustrator : Jesús Gaban

Type of Spanish : Translated

Physical Details

Type of Book: Chapter

Cover: Softcover

Pages: 87

Year Published: 2006

Instructional Details

Reading Grade Level: 4TH - 5TH, 6TH - 8TH

Genre: Non-Fiction

Sub-Genre: Biography, Non-Fiction

Theme: Social Studies, Illness, Adventure