Bajo la mirada atenta de una luna complaciente, se inicia el viaje a través de mil ciudades extrañas que giran,que andan y ruedan; que se ocultan en el corazón de un bosque o debajo del mar. Ciudades que habitan los duendes,las hadas,los unicornios.
English Description:
Under the attentive gaze of a complacent moon, the journey begins through a thousand strange cities that turn, walk and roll; that are hidden in the heart of a forest or under the sea. Cities inhabited by elves, fairies, unicorns
Author : Daniela Feoli
Illustrator : Bett
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 3rd
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Nature, Fairy Tale, Fables & Folktales
Teacher Comments: "This would be a great mentor text for poetry and figurative language. It is a book of poems about imaginary cities that uses figurative language to describe each city. A great mentor text for similes, metaphors, and personification. Would be a fun addition to a classroom library. "