Clara va a la secundaria y sueña con recibir su primer beso. Parece que nada podría alterar su tranquilidad, hasta que su mundo comienza a tambalearse tras leer una carta que revela un secreto de su familia. Esta situación hace que cuestione su identidad y decida salir en búsqueda de sí misma. Para lograrlo, tiene que confrontar a su mamá, alejarse de su mejor amiga, con quien solía compartir todo, y viajar sola a Cuetzalan, un mágico lugar de Puebla. Allí, Clara encuentra las respuestas a aquella carta y comprende que para crecer y ser libres, a veces, es necesario tomar decisiones difíciles.
English Description:
Clara goes to high school and dreams of receiving her first kiss. It seems that nothing could alter her tranquility, until her world begins to shake after reading a letter that reveals a secret of her family. This situation makes her question her identity and decides to leave it in search of herself. To achieve this, she has to confront her mother, get away from her best friend, with whom she used to share everything, and travel alone to Cuetzalan, a magical place in Puebla. There, Clara finds the answers to that letter and understands that to grow and be free, sometimes it is necessary to make difficult decisions.
Author : Jennifer Boni
Illustrator : Paulina Barraza
Type of Spanish : Translated
Reading Grade Level: 6th-8th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Social Emotional, Romance, Identity, Friendship, Family, Culture