Liu y su familia aonikenk partieron hacia el norte para escapar del invierno. La abuela Koonek, cansada, decidió quedarse. Al llegar la primavera, Liu y su familia se encontraron con una gran sorpresa. Relato basado en una leyenda aonikenk.
English Description:
Liu and his aonikenk family left north to escape winter. Grandma Koonek, tired, decided to stay. When spring arrived, Liu and his family were met with a big surprise. Story based on an aonikenk legend.
Author : Ana María Pavez, Constanza Recart
Illustrator : Paloma Valdivia
Type of Spanish : Authentic
Reading Grade Level: 4th
Genre: Fiction
Sub-Genre: Fiction
Theme: Social Studies, Indigenous People, Family, Adventure, Culture