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Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

Books del Sur curates Latin America Spanish-language literature to support dual language curriculum.

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El detective Intríngulis y el secuestro de Mimí

Regular price $17.99
Sale price $17.99

¿Quién secuestró a la consentida mascota de Madame Glamour? El detective Intríngulis resolverá el caso haciendo uso de la ciencia forense: cómo se buscan rastros, cómo se analizan las pisadas y las cartas, qué dice una mancha de sangre, qué datos aporta un vidrio roto, qué es el ADN y otras cosas muy curiosas e interesantes. Una deliciosa combinación de historieta gráfica y libro informativo.



English Description:

Who kidnapped Madame Glamor's spoiled pet? Detective Intríngulis will solve the case using forensic science: how traces are sought, how footprints and letters are analyzed, what a bloodstain says, what data a broken glass provides, what DNA is and other very curious and interesting things. A delicious combination of graphic cartoon and informative book.